Tag: Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (17): Documents, ink and brushes, weapons

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (17): Documents, ink and brushes, weapons

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 各色经书大富贵 五色纸者大益财 吞五色纸诗书进 几上有书禄位至读书文写字大吉 有人教书大富贵 见读书者主聪明 观人读书生贵子得历日者中黄甲 封书信者主通达 手弄笔砚主远信 人与墨者文章进人将已笔文章退 他人起笔主财进 君王队伍有异名 得大赦者宅舍凶就人卜易主疾病 受人纸钱主大吉 公座移动主迁官 受职上官财物来佩印公爵主大吉 佩印执笏主移居 佩印信者名准出 印绶改迁生贵子棋子主添丁进口 打球者主得虚名 兵马入城福禄至 率众破贼所求得见军兵败主凶事 已射人必主远行 人射已有行人至 持弓夭者主大吉挽弓弦断主凶恶 人送弓弩得人力 弩弦难上兄弟散 弓弩相斗生争论戈铖有光禄们至 披甲杖剑得高官 Interpretation Translation: Possession of various scriptures foretells great wealth and honor. Five-colored paper greatly benefits wealth. Swallowing five-colored paper signifies advancement in poetry and literature. […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (16): Tombs, memorial halls, and greetings or farewells

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (16): Tombs, memorial halls, and greetings or farewells

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 冢墓高者大吉利 新冢棺郭主忧除 冢墓上有云气吉 冢基门开百事吉冢墓上明吉暗凶 冢墓生树吉折凶 冢墓上开花大古 墓中棺自出大吉将棺入宅禄位至 死人出棺外客至 开棺与死人言凶 棺敛死人主得财升棺水上大得财 空野无人主远行 Interpretation Translation: A tall tomb foretells great good fortune. A new grave and coffin signify the removal of worries. Clouds over a tomb foretell good […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (15): Food and drink, wine and meat, melons and fruits

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (15): Food and drink, wine and meat, melons and fruits

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 人请饮酒主长命 与人饮酒有口舌 与人吃会富贵至 宴会客人家欲破饮酒者主哭泣事 饮酒至醉主疾病 贵人赐宴主疾病 与贵人对饮大吉人请吃酥酪主喜 与人吃乳尊亲至 与人吃蜜大吉利 呕吐者病人出痊食水者主很大利 死人食者主疾病 食羊肉于堂上吉 食大肉主有争讼食猪肉主疾病至 刀割猪肉主生病 食生肉凶熟肉吉 食自死肉主别离食鹅肉主妾疾病 食鸡鸭等肉皆吉 食馒头主口舌散 见馒头未食主气食烂瓜主生疾病 食饼食饭心不遂 食瓜子主生贵子 食柿食柑主疾病食葡萄离而复合 食枣者主生贵子 食桑甚主生贵子 食栗者主有分别食梨者主失财帛 食一初果者凶至 食茄者主妻有子 食葱韭主有争斗食薤者有重丧至 食蒜者有灾害事 食菜黄主凶事至 食油盐酱酸豉吉 Interpretation Translation: Being invited to drink foretells a long life. Drinking with others foretells disputes. Sharing a meal foretells wealth and honor. Hosting a banquet […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (14): Husband and wife, conception, and intimacy

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (14): Husband and wife, conception, and intimacy

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 夫妇宴会主相别 夫妇相骂主疾病 夫妻分钗主离别 夫妻相打欲和会同妇人行主失财 抱妇人主有喜事 与妇人交有邪崇 与妇人共坐大吉交接男子主失财 妻着锦衣生贵子 妻有争主外私情 见妇人阴主口舌妇人赤身主大吉 男子裸体命通达 兄弟分别口舌临 抱小儿女主口舌小儿死者主口舌 新生男女主大吉 见嫁聚及孝主凶 男子化为尼姑凶 Interpretation Translation: A married couple attending a banquet foretells a separation. A married couple quarreling foretells illness. A husband and wife parting with a hairpin […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (13): Roads, bridges, and marketplaces

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (13): Roads, bridges, and marketplaces

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 见四通路名利遂 道中得财主通达 道泥荆棘事大成 大道崩馅主失财修桥梁者万事和 见流桥主有官事 桥上坐立禄位至 见桥坏主有官事携手上桥妻有孕 桥上呼唤讼得理 新造桥者大和合 桥断者主有口舌桥柱折者子孙凶 桥路上住车皆凶 夫妇入市主置产 见市中无人主凶 Interpretation Translation: Encountering four diverging paths foretells the achievement of fame and success. Finding wealth on the road signifies smooth progress. Encountering a muddy and […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (12): Boats and carriages, traveling, and prices

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (12): Boats and carriages, traveling, and prices

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 船飞行主大富贵 船浅在岸是非厄 乘船渡江河得官 船中有水主得财乘船看日月得职 乘船过日月主宫 乘船饮酒远客至 与人同船主移居乘船风帆大吉利 乘船见航主安稳 乘船桥下过大吉 病人乘船必主死助人行船官位至 身卧船中主有凶 执火入船主大吉 家中乘船主没财乘船看花酒食至 船车破碎主不详 车轮破夫妻相别 车轮折倒主破败车载不起厄事去 骂车游行禄位至 车行主百事顺利 车不行所求不遂车入门主有凶事 病人上车主大凶 丧车过者主灾散 行车白马主大吉四马驾车吉反凶 以羊驾车事不常 备马者生远行事 远行出入命通达 Interpretation Translation: A ship that soars signifies great wealth and honor. A ship aground on the shore foretells disputes and misfortune. Sailing across rivers to […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (11): Bed curtains, felt rugs, and keys

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (11): Bed curtains, felt rugs, and keys

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 床帐改主官迁移 舒展床帐大富贵 新安床帐远人来 床帐出门者妻亡床帐改换移居吉 床上有蚁主不祥 床帐破损妻欲亡 开帐幔主有酒食帐幔坏者妻子病 床脚新换奴仆凶 上床卧者大凶恶 血在床妻妾有奸洗床收则主大吉 荐席入吉出则凶 破席者主失官位 换席入吉出则凶席箪者主有力助 毡褥铺陈万事稳 毁帘幔者妻有奸 新帘者主得好妻铺席合坐得官位 好被自盖主大吉 见好枕有贵人扶 见手帕主有口舌手巾缚布病患至 毛扇忽持官事吉 鼎鼐者主得大财 釜溢者主得大财玉石器主有人助 铜铛者生口舌至 锅铁破主丧事来 裆盏被主有恶事瓷碗者主酒食至 瓷碟者主口舌至 匙主益妻妾子孙 筋主益田宅奴仆盆主益仓库大吉 掇盆脱底主财散 火盆瓮器大富贵 洗面盆着美妾至大小盆者主团圆 得盒子者所求得 桶盛水者主大吉 桶无水者主大凶人送大桶主得利 桌架于宅事不成 锯主有断决之事 碾衣石移居大吉锤钻者主侵害事 锤欲举动有人扶 凿主被人驱使吉 熨斗盛火好事成熏笼者益增产业 人与秤者主权位 绳索主长命大吉 绳索断者主凶恶人与凿者得抬金 人送帚者主得位 Interpretation Translation:Changing bed curtains foretells an official transfer. Spreading bed curtains foretells great wealth and honor. New bed curtains foretell the arrival of distant people. […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (10):  Mirrors, bracelets, hairpins, and combs

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (10):  Mirrors, bracelets, hairpins, and combs

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 镜明者吉暗者凶 拾得镜者招好妻 将镜自照远信至 镜照他人妻妾凶得他人镜有贵子 他人弄己镜妻凶 镜破主夫妇离别 金钗动有远行事金钿成双增爱妾 钗钏相敲妻别凶 金钗耀主生贵子 花钗妻妾有奸妄银钗夫妻主相殴 花压妻妾生外心 人与梳蓖得美妾 牙木梳旧事尽去见蓖子贵子提携 得蓖子者美女至 刷牙者病患不生 行胭脂粉主生女见脂粉主大财利 得粉扑妻生桥女 手帕者主口舌事 得外线者百事就 Interpretation Translation A bright mirror foretells good fortune; a dark one foretells misfortune. Finding a mirror foretells attracting a good spouse. Using a mirror to […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (9): Gold, silver, pearls, jade, silk, and textiles

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (9): Gold, silver, pearls, jade, silk, and textiles

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 金银宝者主富贵 金银珠玉大吉利 金银杯皿有贵孕 金银作铛器大吉玉积如山大富贵 得金玉环生贵子 铜裆主有口舌至 珠玉满怀主大凶得玉碗器物皆吉 见铁器物主得财 铅与锡者主得财 得铜物主大富贵镶铅器物疾病去 还人钱物疾病去 拾得钱物皆大吉 钱春夏吉秋冬凶家中分财主离散 赠彩帛者主有权 贵人赐绫锦官至 人赐绢帛大吉昌与人丝帛大凶恶 得他人麻布衣凶 得布帛远亲来至 与人衣服官事至寻丝绢主进入口 纺绩者主寿命长 经络者主被人辱 箱器生口舌之事 Interpretation Translation Possession of gold and silver treasures foretells wealth and honor. Gold, silver, pearls, and jade bring great good fortune. Cups and plates made […]

  • Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (8): Doors and gates, wells and stoves, kitchens and toilets

    Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (8): Doors and gates, wells and stoves, kitchens and toilets

    AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 门户高大主富贵 新开门户大富贵 门户忽开主大吉 门户大开大吉利门更新主生贵子 门自开妻有私情 门户裂开主大吉 门户破碎有凶事城门大开主口舌 宫城塞者口舌至 门户闭塞事不能 门户败坏主大凶门扇自折奴仆走 门户内无人大凶 修移门户大吉利 石为门户主寿命门前生洲作刺史 门前坑沟事不成 天火烧门主凶事 屋开小门主私情穿并见水远信至 井自损坏家大败 井中沸溢主得财 井枯涸者家财散井中照身禄位至 身坠井中疾病凶 屋在井中主见病 取井水清吉浑凶井中伏泥出主财 井中欲于家欲败 井中有鱼身主贵 窥井有声口舌生伏藏井中刑狱事 醉落井中官事至 家住井中长子匈 人云出井喜事至掏井造井主大贵 器皿落井有急事 灶下水流得横财 灶下燃火有声名灶釜破败有死亡 灶下炊者家破败 灶下器鸣主口舌 屋有二灶事不成修造炊灶大吉利 在官厨中得财禄 自炊日中妻妾之 掏厕者主得横财上厕在尿屎中吉 厕中屎溢大吉利 粪中坐者主大凶 粪土堆积主得财 Interpretation Translation Loftiness of gates foretells wealth and honor. New gates foretell great wealth and honor. Sudden opening of gates is very auspicious. Great open […]