Tag: Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (27): Turtles and softshell turtles, fish and shrimp, insects
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 龟入井宅富贵至 龟蛇相同主生财 见龟者主女人贵 捉龟者主丧事至见鳖者主有得财 鱼飞水上百事散 井内有鱼迁官至 张网捕鱼大吉利人捕鱼作食皆吉 抢鱼拾鱼主小疾 水中钓鱼大吉利 林中鱼猪事无成群鱼游水主有财 鲤鱼妻有孕大吉 大鱼扬动主声名 小鱼生子大吉利干鱼下水命复通 虾变鱼主失财物 身坐鱼虫病患除 螃蟹主百病消散蛤蟆鸣走有口舌 水蛭主女人失财 螺狮生在外不利 蛤蜊主老来生子飞娥入灯他人败 蚕飞不茧主小吉 峰蜈交戏事不成 峰螫人脚有财喜恙螂作堆主失财 蜻蜓对飞美人来 促织声繁有小吉 蝙蝠群飞明事良蝇污人衣必有谗 蝼蛄主有不明事 Interpretation Translation: A turtle entering a well foretells wealth and honor coming to the household. A turtle and a snake together foretell the generation of […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (26): Cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, and the six domestic animals
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 黄牛来家大富贵 水牛主先祖索食 牛上同坡大吉昌 牵牛上山主富贵牛角有血主三公 牛触人心事不成 牛出门好事立至 水牛来家主丧事牛主犊所求皆得 骑牛入城有喜临 牵牛羊来家欢乐 马舞庭前凶事散马行千里大喜至 乘马快喜饨主凶 走马来往文书事 马入室主奸情事乌蛇践物失禄位 披洗夜马皆喜事 群马奔统百凶解 罪人走马厄事会乘白马者主疾病 被马咬有禄位至 骑驴骡主得财吉 杀猪吉猪自死凶猪豚变人官事至 猪羊搔痒有口舌 羊做豚行行人至 骑羊上街主得财子母羊益命大吉 犬吠人鬼来求食 犬咬主人失财凶 屋中生马主大吉 Interpretation Translation: A yellow ox coming home foretells great wealth and honor. A water buffalo foretells ancestors seeking food. Oxen on the same slope foretell […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (25): Dragons and snakes, birds and beasts, and the like
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 乘龙入水有贵位 龙眠水中求事通 龙当门者大吉昌 龙死亡主失贵位乘龙上山所求遂 龙入井中官被辱 龙飞有官位大贵 乘龙上市主贵位龙蛇入门主得财 龙蛇入灶有官至 蛇化龙行贵人助 妇人见龙生贵子龙蛇杀人主大凶 蛇咬人主得大财 蛇入怀中生贵子 蛇行水内主迁荣蛇随人去妻外心 蛇入谷道主口舌 蛇绕身者生贵子 蛇多者主阴司事蛇赤黑主口舌吉 蛇黄白主有官事 凤凰主有贵人助 凤集拳上母病到孔雀者主大吉利 鹤上天主小口灾 鹤鸣着禄位大显 鹤入怀中生贵子鹤驾车主征伐事 放鹤者主得财吉 孔雀飞舞有文章 鹦鹉妇人主口舌鸳鸯散去夫妻凶 野鸭入宅主有凶 驾鹞者主禄位至 鸠鸽者妇人有喜燕飞入怀妻生子 燕子至有远客来 空中鸟鸣主妻亡 飞鸟人怀皆主吉捉住飞鸟远信至 雀相争斗有官事 鸦雀相噪主酒食 鹅鸭同游添好妾鸟走蛇来人引荐 洗鸡得官鸣口舌 鸡抱卵主有大喜 鸡在树上主得财麒麟者名震天下 白象江猪官位至 狮子叫吼场名震 猛虎大吼主得官骑虎行者恶事无 虎入宅中官职重 虎狼不动见官吉 豺狼恶狗有盗贼狼啖脚者主不行 骆驼豹豸得重印 熊罢主身生贵子 群免上天得贵位獐鹿在家益官禄 浩鬼在园百忧去 猫捕鼠者主得财 白鼠引路人提携鼠咬人衣所求得 鼠大走主有善事 山猴有争讼事端 白猿主有禄位得 Interpretation Translation: Riding a dragon into the water foretells a noble position. A dragon sleeping in water foretells smooth progress in seeking matters. A dragon […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (24): Dirt, bathing, and humiliation
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 屎尿污身主得财 大使满地主富贵 患厕中得官禄位 落厕出吉不出凶厕屋上卧主得财 厕中干者主家破 架厕屋主有财喜 挑粪回家大吉利在泥中所求不成 失大小便主失财 泥污衣裳主产凶 泥污衫衣主身辱男女沐浴上床凶 沐浴尘土疾病安 洗头迁居疾病除 被辱骂惹人词讼 Interpretation Translation: Being soiled with feces and urine foretells obtaining wealth. Excrement covering the ground foretells wealth and honor. Suffering in the latrine foretells obtaining […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (23): Water and fire, thieves, lamps and candles
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 水上行者主大吉 水上立者主凶事 水流洋洋有新婚 水上火出主大吉自在水中大吉利 自落水中不出凶 饮水不休得大财 流水绕身有狱讼大水澄清大吉祥 人家有水见子亡 江海涨漫大吉昌 河水砂石益文章火烧日月大人助 火烧河水长命吉 火烧山野大显达 火烧自是主兴旺火焰炎炎主发财 火从地生疾病至 执火乘行官位至 大火烧天主国安身在火中贵人扶 火烟黑色主疾病 把火行路不通达 把火烧井主病至赶贼入市不出凶 强贼入宅主家破 与贼同行大吉利 己身做喊所求得 Interpretation Translation: Traveling on water foretells great good fortune. Standing on water foretells misfortune. Flowing water foretells a new marriage. Fire on water foretells great […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (22): Fields, the five grains, and cultivation.
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 田中生草主得财 种田宽大有禄位 自种田禾主出行 见种田者禄位至教人耕种远行至 使人种田地大吉 买人田宅主进职 身在禾中大吉利破败田地主大吉 割收田禾家已安 屋上生禾官位吉 见禾丰熟富贵长见麦稻主得大财 粳糯米者有财吉 五谷茂盛主得财 谷穗齐秀大吉利米谷堆吉散主凶 大小麦主妻私心 大豆苗叶子孙凶 米麦相排大吉利坐卧米麦主大吉 手中把谷主福禄 得米谷者主大吉 种菜主长命大吉得禾忽失主得秩 粟米必有献物至 荞麦面饼官事至 麸糠相交家欲检酒曲必主枉曲事 葫芦者主恶事连 麻丛身者主病至 麻生如林大吉利 Interpretation Translation: Grass growing in the fields foretells gaining wealth. Cultivating wide fields foretells a position of wealth. Planting rice and other crops foretells travel. […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (21): Prohibition, punishment, and prison equipment.Eastern Theory:
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 牢狱崩坏有赦吉 坐狱中必有恩赦 入狱受灾主荣贵 狱中死者官事散使人入狱得财吉 入牢狱主有大贵 盗曲自入狱大凶 牢狱臭污百事吉罪人走脱疾病去 赶贼行见者大吉 枷锁临身疾病至 枷锁折损口舌散枷锁入宅主大凶 绳索系身大吉利 身被罗网主官事 被罗网罩主酒食被人疾罚禄位至 被人作贱者大吉 被官打身主孝服 被人绑主疾病至自以杖决耻辱生 枷锁恐怖主分散 邀人入官主酒食 入官词议主大吉吏引入司主大吉 为吏所录有急事 贵人走马官事明 拷讯杖责主大贵 Interpretation Translation: A prison […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (20): Slaughter, fighting injuries, and verbal abuse
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 被人打害者大吉 杀死他人人富贵 持刀自杀者大吉 杀人血污衣得财被刀刺尖出快利 持刀相杀见血吉 刀伤出血主酒食 砍刺见血主大吉炙身见血流大吉 刀斧自伤主大吉 持刀砍人自失力 被妻妾打者主凶被人打者主得力 女人相打主病至 兄弟相打大吉利 家中人斗主分散看见杀人主大吉 被人签刺大吉昌 手指折者主子病 向人叩头百事吉与人相骂者主吉 被骂佯颠大贵至 被人凌辱主得财 杀猪者大吉利杀驴骡马有酒食 杀龟者主有丧事 杀鸟雀妻妾灾难 杀鸡鹅鸭主大吉 Interpretation Translation: Being struck by others foretells great good fortune. Killing another person foretells wealth and honor. Attempting suicide with a knife foretells great good […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (19): Buddhism and Taoism, monks and nuns, ghosts and deities
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 诸佛菩萨大吉利 法师登座有疾病 老君真人皆主吉 画神佛者得人钦看神佛者妻有子 佛共人言有福助 入神庙神动大吉 道施盖者大吉利憎师教人念经吉 道士女冠言语吉 和尚尼姑看以闷 被鬼神打大不祥堂上神佛大吉利 神佛不成行大凶 烧香礼拜皆大吉 迎神赛社有外财仙圣到家福禄至 与鬼斗者主延寿 祭祀神道大吉利 身受戒行者子孝与神女通得贵子 与尼姑交主失财 Interpretation Translation: Worshipping Buddha and Bodhisattvas foretells great good fortune. A monk ascending the seat foretells illness. Taoist deities and immortals foretell good luck. Painting […]
Eastern Dream Interpretation Theory (18): Mourning music, illness and death, singing
AI-Powered Technology Providers https://apps.mysticomni.com/dreamanalysis Original 与人哭泣有庆贺 放声大哭欢乐生 身着孝服官禄至 远人来悲泣主凶床上哭泣主大凶 见歌舞者口舌至 家中欢喜百事吉 怀中琵琶行人力他人与笛有名声 与人扣板有口舌 堂上歌乐主丧事 吹笙者主有更欢吹笛打鼓有吉庆 他人作乐讼有理 露齿哭者有争讼 病卧为人扶加官病重者主有凶事 自疾病者主有喜 病人歌唱主大凶 病人哭笑疾病除病人起者必定起 病人装车必死亡 死人哭泣有口舌 死人立者主大凶死人哭坏者得财 死人复活主有信 见人死自死皆吉 子死者主添喜事见死亡尊长大吉 门吊他人主生子 Interpretation Translation: Crying with others foretells celebration and congratulations. Wailing loudly foretells joy and happiness. Wearing mourning clothes foretells obtaining an official position and wealth. […]