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龟入井宅富贵至 龟蛇相同主生财 见龟者主女人贵 捉龟者主丧事至
见鳖者主有得财 鱼飞水上百事散 井内有鱼迁官至 张网捕鱼大吉利
人捕鱼作食皆吉 抢鱼拾鱼主小疾 水中钓鱼大吉利 林中鱼猪事无成
群鱼游水主有财 鲤鱼妻有孕大吉 大鱼扬动主声名 小鱼生子大吉利
干鱼下水命复通 虾变鱼主失财物 身坐鱼虫病患除 螃蟹主百病消散
蛤蟆鸣走有口舌 水蛭主女人失财 螺狮生在外不利 蛤蜊主老来生子
飞娥入灯他人败 蚕飞不茧主小吉 峰蜈交戏事不成 峰螫人脚有财喜
恙螂作堆主失财 蜻蜓对飞美人来 促织声繁有小吉 蝙蝠群飞明事良
蝇污人衣必有谗 蝼蛄主有不明事
A turtle entering a well foretells wealth and honor coming to the household. A turtle and a snake together foretell the generation of wealth. Seeing a turtle foretells nobility for a woman. Catching a turtle foretells a funeral.
Seeing a soft-shelled turtle foretells obtaining wealth. Fish flying above the water foretell the dispersion of all matters. Fish in the well foretell a promotion. Fishing with a net foretells great good fortune.
Catching fish to eat is auspicious. Grabbing or picking up fish foretells minor illness. Fishing in the water is very auspicious. Fishing in the forest foretells that matters will not succeed.
A group of fish swimming in the water foretells wealth. A carp foretells a pregnant wife, a great good fortune. A large fish moving foretells a reputation. The birth of small fish foretells great good fortune.
Dried fish entering water foretells the restoration of life. Shrimp turning into fish foretells the loss of wealth. Sitting on a fish or insect foretells the cure of illness. Crabs foretell the dispersion of all diseases.
Frogs croaking and running foretell disputes. Leeches foretell a woman losing wealth. Snails living outside foretell disadvantages. Clams foretell having children in old age.
A moth flying into a lamp foretells the defeat of others. Silkworms flying without spinning cocoons foretell minor good fortune. Bees and centipedes playing together foretell that matters will not succeed. A bee stinging a person’s foot foretells wealth and joy.
Locusts forming piles foretell the loss of wealth. Dragonflies flying in pairs foretell the arrival of a beautiful woman. The sound of crickets is abundant, foretelling minor good fortune. Bats flying in groups foretell clarity in matters.
Flies soiling clothes foretell slander. Mole crickets foretell unclear matters.
Cultural Explanation:
This passage reflects traditional Chinese beliefs about the symbolism of various aquatic animals and insects as omens for one’s future. The cultural context of these beliefs includes:
- Turtles and Wealth: Turtles were seen as symbols of longevity and prosperity, with their presence in a well being particularly auspicious.
- Fish and Abundance: Fish are homophones for “surplus” in Chinese, making them symbols of abundance and wealth, especially when seen in groups or in unusual places like flying above water.
- Aquatic Animals and Health: Certain aquatic animals, such as crabs and clams, were associated with health and the cure of diseases, possibly due to their connection with water, which is a life-giving element.
- Insects and Wealth: Insects like bees were seen as symbols of wealth, with their stings paradoxically foretelling joy and prosperity.
- Animals and Disputes: The presence or behavior of certain animals, such as frogs and mole crickets, were believed to foretell disputes or unclear matters.
- Caterpillars and Transformation: Caterpillars, especially silkworms, were associated with transformation and change, with their actions or behaviors symbolizing minor fortunes or the success of endeavors.
- Bats and Clarity: Bats, despite often being associated with bad luck in many cultures, were seen as a sign of clarity and good fortune in ancient China, possibly due to their nocturnal nature symbolizing the ability to navigate through darkness.
- Flies and Slander: Flies soiling clothes were seen as a sign of slander, reflecting the belief that small, annoying creatures could symbolize minor troubles or social issues.
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