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乘龙入水有贵位 龙眠水中求事通 龙当门者大吉昌 龙死亡主失贵位
乘龙上山所求遂 龙入井中官被辱 龙飞有官位大贵 乘龙上市主贵位
龙蛇入门主得财 龙蛇入灶有官至 蛇化龙行贵人助 妇人见龙生贵子
龙蛇杀人主大凶 蛇咬人主得大财 蛇入怀中生贵子 蛇行水内主迁荣
蛇随人去妻外心 蛇入谷道主口舌 蛇绕身者生贵子 蛇多者主阴司事
蛇赤黑主口舌吉 蛇黄白主有官事 凤凰主有贵人助 凤集拳上母病到
孔雀者主大吉利 鹤上天主小口灾 鹤鸣着禄位大显 鹤入怀中生贵子
鹤驾车主征伐事 放鹤者主得财吉 孔雀飞舞有文章 鹦鹉妇人主口舌
鸳鸯散去夫妻凶 野鸭入宅主有凶 驾鹞者主禄位至 鸠鸽者妇人有喜
燕飞入怀妻生子 燕子至有远客来 空中鸟鸣主妻亡 飞鸟人怀皆主吉
捉住飞鸟远信至 雀相争斗有官事 鸦雀相噪主酒食 鹅鸭同游添好妾
鸟走蛇来人引荐 洗鸡得官鸣口舌 鸡抱卵主有大喜 鸡在树上主得财
麒麟者名震天下 白象江猪官位至 狮子叫吼场名震 猛虎大吼主得官
骑虎行者恶事无 虎入宅中官职重 虎狼不动见官吉 豺狼恶狗有盗贼
狼啖脚者主不行 骆驼豹豸得重印 熊罢主身生贵子 群免上天得贵位
獐鹿在家益官禄 浩鬼在园百忧去 猫捕鼠者主得财 白鼠引路人提携
鼠咬人衣所求得 鼠大走主有善事 山猴有争讼事端 白猿主有禄位得
Riding a dragon into the water foretells a noble position. A dragon sleeping in water foretells smooth progress in seeking matters. A dragon in front of the door foretells great good fortune. The death of a dragon foretells the loss of a noble position.
Riding a dragon up the mountain ensures success in what one seeks. A dragon entering a well foretells official humiliation. A dragon flying foretells a noble official position. Riding a dragon to the market foretells a noble position.
A dragon or snake entering the door foretells gaining wealth. A dragon or snake entering the kitchen foretells obtaining an official position. A snake transforming into a dragon and moving foretells assistance from nobles. A woman seeing a dragon foretells giving birth to a noble child.
A dragon or snake killing people foretells great misfortune. A snake biting a person foretells obtaining great wealth. A snake entering the bosom foretells giving birth to a noble child. A snake moving in water foretells promotion and honor.
A snake following a person foretells a wife’s infidelity. A snake entering a valley foretells disputes. A snake winding around the body foretells giving birth to a noble child. Many snakes foretell matters of the underworld.
A red or black snake foretells disputes and then good fortune. A yellow or white snake foretells official matters. A phoenix foretells assistance from nobles. A phoenix gathering on the fist foretells the mother’s illness.
A peacock foretells great good fortune. A crane flying to the sky foretells minor disasters. A crane crying foretells a prominent position. A crane entering the bosom foretells giving birth to a noble child.
A crane driving a cart foretells matters of conquest. Releasing a crane foretells obtaining wealth and good fortune. A peacock dancing foretells literary achievements. A parrot foretells disputes for a woman.
Mandarin ducks parting foretells misfortune for a couple. A wild duck entering the house foretells misfortune. Driving a kite foretells obtaining a position. A dove foretells joy for a woman.
A swallow flying into the bosom foretells a wife giving birth to a child. Swallows arriving foretell distant guests. Birds singing in the air foretell the death of a wife. Birds flying into the bosom foretell good fortune.
Catching a flying bird foretells news from afar. Sparrows fighting foretell official matters. Crows and sparrows making noise foretell feasts and drinks. Geese and ducks swimming together foretell acquiring a beautiful concubine.
Birds leaving and snakes arriving foretell being recommended by others. Washing a chicken and hearing it crow foretells obtaining an official position and disputes. Chickens holding eggs foretell great joy. Chickens on trees foretell obtaining wealth.
A qilin foretells a reputation that resounds throughout the world. A white elephant and a river pig foretell obtaining an official position. A lion roaring foretells a reputation that resounds in the field. A fierce tiger roaring foretells obtaining an official position.
Riding a tiger foretells the absence of bad matters. A tiger entering the house foretells a significant official position. Tigers and wolves not moving and being seen foretells good fortune in official matters. Jackals, wolves, and fierce dogs foretell thieves.
A wolf biting the foot foretells the inability to proceed. Camels and leopards foretell obtaining a significant seal. A bear foretells giving birth to a noble child. A group of rabbits flying to the sky foretells obtaining a noble position.
Roe deer at home foretell increasing official salary and position. A ghost in the garden foretells the disappearance of all worries. A cat catching a mouse foretells obtaining wealth. A white rat leading a person foretells being helped.
A rat biting clothes foretells obtaining what one seeks. A large rat running foretells good deeds. A monkey in the mountains foretells disputes and matters. A white ape foretells obtaining a position.
Cultural Explanation:
This passage reflects traditional Chinese beliefs about the symbolism of various animals and their behaviors as omens for one’s future. The cultural context of these beliefs includes:
- Dragons and Nobility: Dragons were revered as symbols of power and nobility, with their presence or actions often foretelling success in official matters or gaining high status.
- Snakes and Transformation: Snakes were seen as transformative creatures, with their ability to shed their skin symbolizing renewal. Their interactions with humans or their environment could foretell changes in fortune or status.
- Birds and Messages: Birds, especially those with distinctive behaviors or appearances, were believed to carry messages or signs. Their songs or movements could foretell news from afar or changes in one’s social standing.
- Animals and Wealth: Certain animals, such as rats and cats, were associated with wealth or the acquisition of material goods, reflecting the belief that nature could provide signs of financial prosperity.
- Mythical Creatures: Creatures like the qilin, a mythical兽 (a mythical creature), and the white elephant were seen as auspicious, with their appearances foretelling fame and honor.
- Wild Animals and Danger: Interactions with wild animals, such as tigers and wolves, were often seen as signs of danger or the need for caution, but in some contexts, they could also symbolize protection or the absence of harm.
- Domestic Animals and Home: Domestic animals, like chickens and rabbits, were closely tied to the home and family, with their behaviors or presence often foretelling changes in the household or the arrival of guests.
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